How CRM Improves Your Customer Service & Overall Customer Experience | CustomerThink

Customer experiences are everything. Here’s the thing: it doesn’t matter what you think they are, it matters what the customer perceives them to be. This means that accurately obtaining feedback from them is vital to keeping your business alive and consistently delivering the service that your clients expect from you.

In theory, this is what customer services is for. But your customer services teams are only as effective as the data you give them to work with. You could have the best resources in the world, but if they can’t quickly and accurately access your clients’ data the moment they need it, they’re dead in the water. And so, too, is your business in the long run.

In this article, you’ll learn 5 ways in which CRM software can empower your customer-facing teams with tools to better address client issues and draw insights to create a more empathic service. You’ll also learn how it lowers the cost of each customer interaction by lowering the need to address recurring issues, and how it can become crucial to other departments such as sales, marketing, and development.

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How CRM Improves Your Customer Service & Overall Customer Experience | CustomerThink

Customer experiences are everything. Here’s the thing: it doesn’t matter what you think they are, it matters what the customer perceives them to be. This means that accurately obtaining feedback from them is vital to keeping your business alive and consistently delivering the service that your clients expect from you.

In theory, this is what customer services is for. But your customer services teams are only as effective as the data you give them to work with. You could have the best resources in the world, but if they can’t quickly and accurately access your clients’ data the moment they need it, they’re dead in the water. And so, too, is your business in the long run.

In this article, you’ll learn 5 ways in which CRM software can empower your customer-facing teams with tools to better address client issues and draw insights to create a more empathic service. You’ll also learn how it lowers the cost of each customer interaction by lowering the need to address recurring issues, and how it can become crucial to other departments such as sales, marketing, and development.

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The Future of Productivity: Teamwork and Collaboration

Long gone are the days when the bulk of office communication was made via lengthy, often incomprehensible email threads. Also going extinct—thankfully— are the colossal company-wide emails that were often responded to by recipients using the “reply all” button.

Today’s corporate communication is evolving—not to the Orwellian, drone-like future portrayed in the movies, but toward a more multimedia-focused and casual approach. Nowadays, boring project management software is losing traction to intuitive digital tools such as Slack or Microsoft Teams which enable communication and collaboration to happen from a single platform.

In this article, you’ll learn about the major trends that are transforming office communications around the world. You’ll also gain insight into how several industry leaders envision the future of collaboration, and what tools they’re using within their organizations to push forward projects worldwide.

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The Future of Productivity: Teamwork and Collaboration

Long gone are the days when the bulk of office communication was made via lengthy, often incomprehensible email threads. Also going extinct—thankfully— are the colossal company-wide emails that were often responded to by recipients using the “reply all” button.

Today’s corporate communication is evolving—not to the Orwellian, drone-like future portrayed in the movies, but toward a more multimedia-focused and casual approach. Nowadays, boring project management software is losing traction to intuitive digital tools such as Slack or Microsoft Teams which enable communication and collaboration to happen from a single platform.

In this article, you’ll learn about the major trends that are transforming office communications around the world. You’ll also gain insight into how several industry leaders envision the future of collaboration, and what tools they’re using within their organizations to push forward projects worldwide.

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How AI will change the way we work in 2020

Thanks to AI, business applications will soon be able to answer complex questions, help users navigate interfaces, and enable cloud vendors to reduce support from personnel to manage their loads. AI is also being used in various software applications to help decision-makers identify and automate repetitive tasks, improving employee productivity. Increased understanding of how to better implement AI in business applications likely will lead to the emergence of new features, such as natural-language processing (NLP), that can help managers interact in more-intuitive ways with AI-powered apps.

In this article, you’ll learn about the innovative features powered by AI and machine learning (ML) that you can expect to see in business applications in the next five years.

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How AI will change the way we work in 2020

Thanks to AI, business applications will soon be able to answer complex questions, help users navigate interfaces, and enable cloud vendors to reduce support from personnel to manage their loads. AI is also being used in various software applications to help decision-makers identify and automate repetitive tasks, improving employee productivity. Increased understanding of how to better implement AI in business applications likely will lead to the emergence of new features, such as natural-language processing (NLP), that can help managers interact in more-intuitive ways with AI-powered apps.

In this article, you’ll learn about the innovative features powered by AI and machine learning (ML) that you can expect to see in business applications in the next five years.

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Why governments trust Microsoft with their digital transformation

Public sector initiatives are more often than not highly complex and carefully planned endeavors. And, to be fair, they have every reason to be. Millions of people depend on public services to make their lives better, and even a brief interruption can affect thousands of citizens.

This doesn’t mean that governments should postpone or cancel their digital initiatives, however—they just have to avoid as much risk as humanly possible. A significant part of this involves making the right choice when partnering with a provider and choosing the correct platform. It’s critical, therefore, to pick one that guarantees flexibility, security, and cost-effectiveness, but more importantly, ensures the continuity of public services.

In this infographic, you’ll learn why Microsoft has become the partner of choice for governments across the world, and what characteristics have helped Microsoft’s products become a staple for public digital initiatives.

View: Why governments trust Microsoft with their digital transformation

Why governments trust Microsoft with their digital transformation

Public sector initiatives are more often than not highly complex and carefully planned endeavors. And, to be fair, they have every reason to be. Millions of people depend on public services to make their lives better, and even a brief interruption can affect thousands of citizens.

This doesn’t mean that governments should postpone or cancel their digital initiatives, however—they just have to avoid as much risk as humanly possible. A significant part of this involves making the right choice when partnering with a provider and choosing the correct platform. It’s critical, therefore, to pick one that guarantees flexibility, security, and cost-effectiveness, but more importantly, ensures the continuity of public services.

In this infographic, you’ll learn why Microsoft has become the partner of choice for governments across the world, and what characteristics have helped Microsoft’s products become a staple for public digital initiatives.

View: Why governments trust Microsoft with their digital transformation

The 7-step partner mini-guide to onboarding customers

Organizations don’t make the jump to digital collaborations overnight. It takes months—or even years, depending on their size—of careful planning and strategy to come up with a transition plan that doesn’t compromise operations while everybody gets onboarded.

It’s our job, then, to guide our clients and partners as to the best way they can make their digital plans happen. Of course, this isn’t always easy—some organizations have highly rigid and complex structures that can take a while to adapt and integrate new technologies, while others may have multiple stakeholders who need to be consulted during each stage of the process. Either way, a clear and well-established roadmap goes a long way toward ensuring the process goes as smoothly as possible.

That’s why we’ve created this infographic—to provide you with 7 time-tested steps that can make your customers’ Microsoft Teams adoption as seamless as possible. Use it as a handy cheat sheet for yourself or your sales teams, or bring it along to executive meetings for a visually impactful way of presenting a solid implementation strategy that’s recommended by Microsoft.

View: The 7-step partner mini-guide to onboarding customers

The 7-step partner mini-guide to onboarding customers

Organizations don’t make the jump to digital collaborations overnight. It takes months—or even years, depending on their size—of careful planning and strategy to come up with a transition plan that doesn’t compromise operations while everybody gets onboarded.

It’s our job, then, to guide our clients and partners as to the best way they can make their digital plans happen. Of course, this isn’t always easy—some organizations have highly rigid and complex structures that can take a while to adapt and integrate new technologies, while others may have multiple stakeholders who need to be consulted during each stage of the process. Either way, a clear and well-established roadmap goes a long way toward ensuring the process goes as smoothly as possible.

That’s why we’ve created this infographic—to provide you with 7 time-tested steps that can make your customers’ Microsoft Teams adoption as seamless as possible. Use it as a handy cheat sheet for yourself or your sales teams, or bring it along to executive meetings for a visually impactful way of presenting a solid implementation strategy that’s recommended by Microsoft.

View: The 7-step partner mini-guide to onboarding customers