The 4 defining characteristics of effective digital workspaces

Not so long ago, it was believed that for teams to be productive, they required long hours confined in a physical office space with constant face-to-face interaction. To be fair, given the primitive state of digital collaboration tools at the time—which was pretty much limited to emails—there wasn’t really a solid alternative to this scheme, so companies worked with what they had.

Today, digitalization has made it possible for several people to seamlessly work together while being halfway across the world from each other. Exponential advancements in virtual workspaces have not only enabled teams to work as well as they did when they spent all day in the office, but have also proven that people are actually more productive the less they have to deal with alienating cubicles and two-way trips along traffic-congested highways.

Not all digital workspaces have been equally effective, however. Yet decades of iterating and optimizing have finally given us a solid idea of the most important characteristics these spaces must have to reach their full potential. So what are they? Read this infographic to find out.

View: The 4 defining characteristics of effective digital workspaces

The 4 defining characteristics of effective digital workspaces

Not so long ago, it was believed that for teams to be productive, they required long hours confined in a physical office space with constant face-to-face interaction. To be fair, given the primitive state of digital collaboration tools at the time—which was pretty much limited to emails—there wasn’t really a solid alternative to this scheme, so companies worked with what they had.

Today, digitalization has made it possible for several people to seamlessly work together while being halfway across the world from each other. Exponential advancements in virtual workspaces have not only enabled teams to work as well as they did when they spent all day in the office, but have also proven that people are actually more productive the less they have to deal with alienating cubicles and two-way trips along traffic-congested highways.

Not all digital workspaces have been equally effective, however. Yet decades of iterating and optimizing have finally given us a solid idea of the most important characteristics these spaces must have to reach their full potential. So what are they? Read this infographic to find out.

View: The 4 defining characteristics of effective digital workspaces

The 4 defining characteristics of effective digital workspaces

Not so long ago, it was believed that for teams to be productive, they required long hours confined in a physical office space with constant face-to-face interaction. To be fair, given the primitive state of digital collaboration tools at the time—which was pretty much limited to emails—there wasn’t really a solid alternative to this scheme, so companies worked with what they had.

Today, digitalization has made it possible for several people to seamlessly work together while being halfway across the world from each other. Exponential advancements in virtual workspaces have not only enabled teams to work as well as they did when they spent all day in the office, but have also proven that people are actually more productive the less they have to deal with alienating cubicles and two-way trips along traffic-congested highways.

Not all digital workspaces have been equally effective, however. Yet decades of iterating and optimizing have finally given us a solid idea of the most important characteristics these spaces must have to reach their full potential. So what are they? Read this infographic to find out.

View: The 4 defining characteristics of effective digital workspaces

The 4 defining characteristics of effective digital workspaces

Not so long ago, it was believed that for teams to be productive, they required long hours confined in a physical office space with constant face-to-face interaction. To be fair, given the primitive state of digital collaboration tools at the time—which was pretty much limited to emails—there wasn’t really a solid alternative to this scheme, so companies worked with what they had.

Today, digitalization has made it possible for several people to seamlessly work together while being halfway across the world from each other. Exponential advancements in virtual workspaces have not only enabled teams to work as well as they did when they spent all day in the office, but have also proven that people are actually more productive the less they have to deal with alienating cubicles and two-way trips along traffic-congested highways.

Not all digital workspaces have been equally effective, however. Yet decades of iterating and optimizing have finally given us a solid idea of the most important characteristics these spaces must have to reach their full potential. So what are they? Read this infographic to find out.

View: The 4 defining characteristics of effective digital workspaces

5 reasons to empower governments with digital transformation

Delivering the best services possible to citizens while managing tight budgets is an everyday struggle for public institutions. Although this is also true for many privately owned companies, a slight delay or inefficiency in public services can spell disaster for entire families. Yet keeping up with digital transformation can be difficult for such institutions thanks to nightmarishly long bureaucratic processes and archaically old existing architectures. This means that once a digital strategy gets approved, there’s little to no room to get things wrong. When thing do go the right way, however, governments and public institutions are empowered with unparalleled efficiency that translates into a better quality of life for all citizens.

In this infographic, you’ll learn how digital transformation strategies can greatly improve the effectiveness of public services and significantly enhance taxpayers’ overall perception of the institutions that implement them.

View: 5 reasons to empower governments with digital transformation

5 reasons to empower governments with digital transformation

Delivering the best services possible to citizens while managing tight budgets is an everyday struggle for public institutions. Although this is also true for many privately owned companies, a slight delay or inefficiency in public services can spell disaster for entire families. Yet keeping up with digital transformation can be difficult for such institutions thanks to nightmarishly long bureaucratic processes and archaically old existing architectures. This means that once a digital strategy gets approved, there’s little to no room to get things wrong. When thing do go the right way, however, governments and public institutions are empowered with unparalleled efficiency that translates into a better quality of life for all citizens.

In this infographic, you’ll learn how digital transformation strategies can greatly improve the effectiveness of public services and significantly enhance taxpayers’ overall perception of the institutions that implement them.

View: 5 reasons to empower governments with digital transformation

Customer Story: SitePro Part 2

SitePro is a software company with a mission to enable the digital oil field. In this video, discover how Microsoft Azure helps SitePro harness the power of data to drive transformation for its oil and gas company customers.

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Customer Story: SitePro Part 2

SitePro is a software company with a mission to enable the digital oil field. In this video, discover how Microsoft Azure helps SitePro harness the power of data to drive transformation for its oil and gas company customers.

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Australian National University (ANU) addresses the computing demands of genome research

As scientific research becomes more and more complex, scientists need new, scalable ways to store and analyze ever-larger troves of data. They also need unprecedented amounts of raw computing power to process the data they obtain and deliver timely results that enable projects to stay on track and within budget. To ensure that their research adheres to these restraints, modern-day scientists need to increase efficiency via automation and other approaches whenever they can, wherever they can. Artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud technology give scientists the tools they need to advance research faster than ever before, get results quicker, and achieve scientific breakthroughs like never before.

In this video, you’ll learn how researchers at Australian National University (ANU) are using Microsoft Azure to dramatically shorten the amount of time they spend on data analysis, enabling faster publication of their cutting-edge genome research.

Australian National University (ANU) addresses the computing demands of genome research

As scientific research becomes more and more complex, scientists need new, scalable ways to store and analyze ever-larger troves of data. They also need unprecedented amounts of raw computing power to process the data they obtain and deliver timely results that enable projects to stay on track and within budget. To ensure that their research adheres to these restraints, modern-day scientists need to increase efficiency via automation and other approaches whenever they can, wherever they can. Artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud technology give scientists the tools they need to advance research faster than ever before, get results quicker, and achieve scientific breakthroughs like never before.

In this video, you’ll learn how researchers at Australian National University (ANU) are using Microsoft Azure to dramatically shorten the amount of time they spend on data analysis, enabling faster publication of their cutting-edge genome research.