Enable faster, more accurate decision-making for retail managers. Get started with Microsoft Strategic Retail Solutions.

In the digital age, fast, accurate decision-making can make the difference between seizing a unique opportunity and remaining on the sidelines. To create a business that’s truly more agile, managers and other decision-makers must be empowered with digital tools that enable them to process tasks more effectively and obtain a holistic view of their customers.

Subscribe now to learn how you can drive intelligent retail and get the most out of your customer- and employee-facing applications by using Microsoft Strategic Retail Solutions.

View: Enable faster, more accurate decision-making for retail managers. Get started with Microsoft Strategic Retail Solutions.

Enable faster, more accurate decision-making for retail managers. Get started with Microsoft Strategic Retail Solutions.

In the digital age, fast, accurate decision-making can make the difference between seizing a unique opportunity and remaining on the sidelines. To create a business that’s truly more agile, managers and other decision-makers must be empowered with digital tools that enable them to process tasks more effectively and obtain a holistic view of their customers.

Subscribe now to learn how you can drive intelligent retail and get the most out of your customer- and employee-facing applications by using Microsoft Strategic Retail Solutions.

View: Enable faster, more accurate decision-making for retail managers. Get started with Microsoft Strategic Retail Solutions.

Improve your agency’s collaboration, transparency, and sustainability. Get started with Microsoft 365.

To increase access to their services, governments can now literally place them in the hands of their citizens via intuitive, mobile-first applications and websites that provide greater visibility and efficiency. This approach greatly reduces citizens’ efforts toward solving simple administrative tasks. This in turn allows public employees to focus more time on responsibilities with higher impacts, such as delivering services to those who most need them.

Subscribe now to get the latest insights into how you can use Microsoft 365 to enable more-efficient services and build trust among your citizens.

View: Improve your agency’s collaboration, transparency, and sustainability. Get started with Microsoft 365.

Improve your agency’s collaboration, transparency, and sustainability. Get started with Microsoft 365.

To increase access to their services, governments can now literally place them in the hands of their citizens via intuitive, mobile-first applications and websites that provide greater visibility and efficiency. This approach greatly reduces citizens’ efforts toward solving simple administrative tasks. This in turn allows public employees to focus more time on responsibilities with higher impacts, such as delivering services to those who most need them.

Subscribe now to get the latest insights into how you can use Microsoft 365 to enable more-efficient services and build trust among your citizens.

View: Improve your agency’s collaboration, transparency, and sustainability. Get started with Microsoft 365.

Overcoming misconceptions about open source

Driving adoption of open-source DevOps becomes easier after addressing four common myths. Myths like open source isn’t secure, or open source isn’t enterprise-grade. For debunking these and more, this infographic has the answers.

View: Overcoming misconceptions about open source

Overcoming misconceptions about open source

Driving adoption of open-source DevOps becomes easier after addressing four common myths. Myths like open source isn’t secure, or open source isn’t enterprise-grade. For debunking these and more, this infographic has the answers.

View: Overcoming misconceptions about open source

Security Power

Securing your systems with a data driven, human guided security approach allows you to detect and respond to attacks more quickly and accurately. This infographic outlines how the global network of real time threat intelligence from Microsoft continues to evolve, anticipate, and stay ahead of risks.

View: Security Power

Security Power

Securing your systems with a data driven, human guided security approach allows you to detect and respond to attacks more quickly and accurately. This infographic outlines how the global network of real time threat intelligence from Microsoft continues to evolve, anticipate, and stay ahead of risks.

View: Security Power

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For news, updates, and insights on remote work, best-in-class software, and more, subscribe now!

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