Entries by r.rime@icloud.com

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Activate Digital Selling with #Microsoft and #Dynamics365 allows you to streamline your sales collaboration, driving productivity and efficiency. Subscribe now to learn more.

Reduce costs with unbeatable offers

Migrating to the cloud needs to drive innovation while still making sense for your bottom line. @MicrosoftAzure offers intelligent security, seamless hybrid capabilities, and unique cost-savings options. Learn more about #Azure services with this infographic:

The power of relationship selling

Many businesses are getting ahead by combining technology solutions with personalized customer relationships for successful relationship selling. Learn how you can do the same with this eBook from #Microsoft and #HeinzMarketing:

eBook: Intelligent Economies: AI’s transformation of industries and society

As AI becomes increasingly embedded in society, it will not only change the businesses that adopt it — it will also have significant economic, social, and civic effects on citizens and consumers.

Secure-IT Pro is here to guide you through these exciting and uncertain times. Download this eBook from Microsoft to explore the transformative potential of AI on markets and societies across the developed and developing worlds.