Entries by r.rime@icloud.com

How to use AI in Sales & Marketing

Around the world, AI is intensifying the race to identify, nurture, and transform customer prospects into long-term relationships. Microsoft Dynamics 365 leverages the power of Azure AI to unify your siloed customer data and extract valuable hidden insights for a more meaningful customer relationship. Check out this video to learn how you can do more with Dynamics 365!

Combatting financial crime infographic

Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection is powered by the same technology that helps Microsoft protect more than 1 billion of its own e-commerce transactions each year, leading to hundreds of millions of dollars in savings related to fraud and increased acceptance rates for good transactions. Microsoft uses AI and analytics as a unique and powerful means of transforming fraud operations while securing against vulnerabilities. Now is the time to learn how you can protect your business against fraud.

DHHS: Platform plus agile development

For government agencies, quickly developing user-friendly and stable public service applications is crucial to building trust among citizens. It’s also key to avoiding long, costly development cycles that can exceed deadlines and damage credibility. Watch this video to learn how, by combining the platform plus agile approach with Microsoft #Azure, Victoria, Australia, is delivering more efficient IT in its department and across the entire state.

NSW: Empowering through ease of use

When it comes to technology, ease of use is crucial. Change is happening, and fast. Organizations want to keep up, and the product must be user friendly, affordable, and comprehensive.

For devices and technology their students can easily engage with, the New South Wales Department of Education chose @MicrosoftTeams. View this short video to see why.

Microsoft’s Windows Virtual Desktop spring refresh: What’s new and next

Due to the massive workforce shift from working in-office to working remotely, the demand for Windows Virtual Desktop has increased. Microsoft continues to work around the clock to ensure its customers have best-in-class experiences with the Azure Migration Program, an enhanced Teams experience, and more. Check out the newest updates and what you can expect in the future, and contact Secure-IT Pro to learn more.

The Great IT Awakening

According to the #NewYorkTimes, there “are more than 800 million cloud-connected Windows 10 devices in use and tens of thousands of clients worldwide.” @Microsoft continuously asks these users how they can do better. Read how this data is helping #IT workers use @Microsoft tools to resolve issues in minutes that used to take days.

50 Percent of Emails and Texts are Misunderstood, But There’s an Easy Way to Change That

“The proper use of emojis helps people form relationships and understand one another,” according to a recent research that reviewed 50 studies on the use and impact of emojis in communication. Ryan Jenkins, in his article “50 Percent of Emails and Texts are Misunderstood, But There’s an Easy Way to Change That,” suggests that emojis at work are a no-brainer. Not only do they enhance relationships, but they can close the generational gap and help clarify emotional intent of messaging.

Digital communication is an integral component of the modern workplace—read this article to understand why emojis are likely here to stay—and why they benefit your organization 😊

AI Cybersecurity Training

Cybersecurity training like you’ve never seen before – Azure’s world-class security, protection, and compliance through cloud services. Find out how Microsoft and Circadence teamed up to create a scalable, gamified cybersecurity training environment by leveraging the power of Microsoft Azure AI. Check it out here: