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Maximize the power of @Microsoft intelligent security to help simplify your security and reduce your costs. Subscribe now and stay informed with Secure-IT Pro to learn more!
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Maximize the power of @Microsoft intelligent security to help simplify your security and reduce your costs. Subscribe now and stay informed with Secure-IT Pro to learn more!
Find out how adopting cloud-based security—including automation, orchestration, and machine learning technologies—can help your organization address operational and scalability challenges in the cloud era. Subscribe to learn more!
When your business moves to remote work, you need to stay protected from cyberattacks. With @Microsoft security, you have best practices that help ensure the best protection.
Read this article and contact Secure-IT Pro to learn more.
Microsoft has a variety of tools to help you maximize your virtual experience. Ready to start increasing your productivity and security? Quickly set up your Windows Virtual Desktop by watching these videos here.
Thanks to the adoption of cloud technology and groundbreaking solutions, the healthcare industry is primed for increased innovation in the upcoming years. Read this article to learn about the five key areas in which #digitalhealth is enabling providers to drive breakthroughs in healthcare and deliver improved patient experiences.
According to the World Health Organization, only one in ten people living with a disability has access to assistive technologies. Microsoft is committed to changing this, and over the years has built inclusion into its products and services. One example is the Disability Answer Desk (DAD), a free 24/7 technical support resource. For enterprise customers, there’s also eDAD.
@MicrosoftTeams supports students learning at their own pace with assistive technologies and devices for all learning types. View this video to see how students are benefitting in New South Wales, Australia.
Microsoft employs more than 3,500 security experts completely dedicated to your data security and privacy. Work confidently and know your organization’s data is safe when you use Windows Virtual Desktop. Click here to find out how, and contact Secure-IT Pro to learn more.
How is #RedLionHotels driving higher guest satisfaction? By maximizing value with the agile methodology of @Microsoft #Dynamics365 and #Teams. Check it out:
Modern healthcare organizations must find ways of unifying healthcare data to unlock connectivity and interoperability that can improve the value of care. Read this eBook to learn how some of the industry’s top players are using #MSDyn365 to achieve interoperability and reduce costs, increase revenue, and optimize risk management, leading to improved patient outcomes.
@MicrosoftTeams is not only the hub for teamwork, but it’s also the headquarters for partner services. With its extensive platform capabilities, Teams can deliver custom solutions for your and your customers’ businesses.
Use this roadmap with recommended steps to build your Custom Solutions practice. Each step includes links to in-depth, additional insight to help you and your customer. Need guidance or have questions? Connect with Secure-IT Pro