Entries by r.rime@icloud.com

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Microsoft is working around the clock to bring you best-in-class experiences, whether you’re in-office or at home. Don’t miss the latest features Windows Virtual Desktop has to offer. Subscribe to learn more.

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By digitizing processes and making organizational changes, healthcare providers can enhance their services, save money, and improve patients’ quality of life. Follow Secure-IT Pro to learn how #digitalhealth is empowering providers with increased productivity and enabling innovative, improved patient experiences.

Airlines, among other major industries, confident with Teams as its hub

For many businesses, lost time is lost money. An Air Traffic Controller whose team utilizes Microsoft Teams acknowledged, “Every moment an aircraft is grounded is revenue loss for the company. My job is to keep the flights running on time.” Whether the task is to monitor and direct the aircraft on the ground and in the air, issue landing and take-off instructions to pilots, or alert airport response staff in case of emergencies—airport staff need to be confident in the tools they use. @MicrosoftTeams provides that confidence.

Leveraging Tech to Improve Customer Experience: 11 Smart Techniques

CX is vital in helping a company retain its customers and grow its customer base through organic referrals. From intelligent chatbots available 24/7 to personal touch technologies, data-driven solutions are engaging customers in profound new ways. In this article, 11 members of Forbes Technology Council explain how organizations can use intelligent tech can improve their customers’ experience.

Modernize sales productivity

With @Microsoft #Dynamics365 for #SalesProfessional, modernizing seller productivity is the simpler way to build sales momentum and boost productivity. Focus on what’s most important with complete customer interaction history, guidance toward optimal outcomes, and rich interactive dashboards. Check out the video for more!