Entries by r.rime@icloud.com

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Healthcare Accelerator: Unlocking rapid progress with unified data

To improve patient care, healthcare solutions need to be modern, unified, and intelligent. They also need to be adaptable, allowing future solutions to be built on top of them. In this two-pager, you’ll learn the basics of #MSDyn365 Healthcare Accelerator and how it enables providers to deliver personalized care, improve operational outcomes, empower care teams, and reimagine healthcare.

In an era of distractions, Microsoft wants AI to be your coworker

Microsoft is aiming to adapt its productivity suite to a short-attention-span world. Past years of slavishly digitizing and formatting words, numbers, and images are over, and future versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint will be much more aware of your work and how you do it. Picture this: Intelligent algorithms will find patterns and meanings in data, and then use the insights to help you get through your day more efficiently. Check out this article to learn about the transition to smarter work software!

Collaborate more securely

@MicrosoftTeams is safeguarding your privacy by design. With support for more than 90 regulations and standards and advanced security capabilities, #Microsoft takes a comprehensive approach to delivering an enterprise-grade communication and collaboration experience – no matter how big or small your business may be. Learn more in this infographic:

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The digitization of the healthcare industry is empowering patients with new ways to request and receive the services they need, as well as giving providers the efficiency they need to deliver improved experiences. Follow Secure-IT Pro to learn more about how digital transformation and #MSFTinHealth are helping to revolutionize the healthcare industry.

Digital collaboration is key to success in the modern workplace

Over 500,000 organizations use Microsoft Teams, the fastest growing business application in Microsoft history. Why? It’s a collaboration and communication hub like no other—with applications built right in. Meeting the needs of today’s modern workforce is easier when Teams is the backbone of the organization. Subscribe to Secure-IT Pro to learn more.

Analytics & AI solution video

By harnessing the power of @Microsoft Analytics, you can inform and drive intelligent automation through AI and machine learning. Watch this video to gain insights on automation through AI and machine learning, how to expand the reach of your data insights, and gain increasing levels of efficiency and personalization. Check it out!