Entries by r.rime@icloud.com

The challenges faced by today’s retail stakeholders

Retailers are constantly reinventing their businesses with the help of digital solutions that empower their customers and employees. However, it’s equally important for those who design apps and initiatives to keep in mind the needs of other retail stakeholders. Learn more about the industry’s main stakeholder challenges and how to address them with #MSRetail.

A modern focus on enterprise protection

Increased risk always goes hand in hand with amplified connectivity. Thus, when moving to the cloud, businesses’ must ensure the security and complete oversight of their sensitive data. Read this infographic to learn how you can protect and safeguard your organization’s critical information with #Microsoft365.

GitHub seeks security

.@GitHub Security Lab’s mission is to inspire and enable the community to secure the open-source software we all depend on. The lab finds vulnerabilities, empowers others, and fosters collaboration. According to #Forbes online, “GitHub, so far, is setting the standard by which other methods will be measured.” Read more in the article below, then contact us to learn more about empowering your Development Security Operations with GitHub.

ComAp: Digital Transformation of Sales

For Czech company #ComAp, the effort to be always there for its customers has become one of the company’s essential values. Learn how digitalization of sales has enabled global consolidation and consistency throughout their offices with this short video:

Leadership and policy guide for system leaders

The global pandemic required education systems to implement new technologies to support remote and hybrid learning. How will we ensure these improvements will be incorporated and utilized to support transitions back to school and to improve education moving forward? Read this document for practical guidance and contact Secure-IT Pro to get started.

Protect your data with secure and resilient productivity applications. Get started with Microsoft 365.

Today’s productivity applications need to seamlessly connect employees with clients, peers, and projects while guaranteeing they can do so from any device or location around the world. Follow Secure-IT Pro to learn how you can utilize the advanced productivity and security features of #Microsoft365 to ensure real-time access to your work, regardless of where you are.

Microsoft Transforms its Sales Practices

Microsoft supports customers on their path to digital evolution, but it also continues to innovate its own approach to sales with tools like #Dynamics365 and #SalesNavigator. Learn how @Microsoft’s own Inside Sales team is keeping up with social listening, customer research, and innovative technology.