Entries by r.rime@icloud.com

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Ready for a DevOps transformation? Using @Microsoft #DevOps with #GitHub, you can harness open-source software on any platform to overcome the challenge of speed vs. control in a competitive market. Improve product quality, accelerate delivery, and enhance your visibility, control, and flexibility. Contact Secure-IT Pro to learn more.

Themes for sales success

When pursuing sales success, most companies agree relationships and effectively scaling process implementation are key. Learn more about 4 key themes for sales success with this infographic from @Microsoft:

Teams large gallery view and together mode

Human connection is vital to teaching and learning. Students (and teachers) love seeing everyone together in the classroom, and @MicrosoftTeams encourages this. Watch this short video and learn how to incorporate Together Mode and Large Gallery, two new features to enhance remote learning. Interested in learning more? Contact Secure-IT Pro.

6 retail tech trends to watch for that go beyond competing with Amazon

On the backend, #retail businesses have hundreds of tasks that must go smoothly for customers to have a great shopping experience. This means that #automation and the #IoT go hand-in-hand to add increasing value to retail customers. In this article, you’ll learn about the 6 main tech trends #Microsoft and other top players are using to push the envelope within the industry.

62% of enterprises sacrifice mobile security for speed

The average loss from a successful business-email compromise attack is nearly $130,000, yet only 13 percent of enterprises have adopted the latest corporate-wide #security features. Read this article to learn about the current state of #mobile enterprise security and what you can do to avoid costly #cyberattacks.