Entries by r.rime@icloud.com

Enable machine learning, video analytics, and the cloud to create alluring in-store experiences. Learn more about Microsoft Retail Solutions.

It’s possible to conceive innovative ideas out of sheer creativity, but truly disruptive retail initiatives require accurate #insights and #data to achieve their full potential. Follow Secure-IT Pro to stay updated on how advanced #analytics powered by #MicrosoftRetailSolutions can boost your bottom line and create more loyal customers.

DevOps with GitHub Solution Overview Video

Developers are at the core of innovation. Learn how you can stand out in a competitive market while you optimize product innovation, accelerate delivery in a changing market, and enhance operations with greater control, flexibility, and security. Check out the video and contact Secure-IT Pro to learn more.

What is DevOps?

It’s never been a more productive time to be a developer. Support or build your #DevOps team with #Microsoft. Together, Microsoft GitHub and #Azure DevOps provides an end-to-end experience for development teams to easily collaborate while building and releasing code to Azure, on-premises or any cloud. Looking for a deeper understanding of DevOps? Check out this infographic and contact Secure-IT Pro to learn more.

Thought Leadership: Teams Future Features

Make sure you and your team are taking full advantage of @Microsoft Teams to stay connected and drive productivity. The new Teams update offers new opportunities, including a feature that ensures meeting controls will never block the underlying content. Learn more here:

Just move it to the cloud

How you migrate your data to the cloud depends on many factors, but @Microsoft is here to help. Learn from this blog post about different methods of data migration and which one may be best for you.

Kroger: Video analytics for action

An insight-driven approach to #customization can help provide a better view of your customers and create new opportunities to deliver impactful experiences. Watch this video to learn about Kroger’s approach to video #analytics and how #Microsoft is enabling them to revolutionize the #retail shopping experience.

City of Houston: Enabling a mobile workforce

Large cities are hubs for innovation, cultural diversity, and, of course, people. In other words, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes to ensure everything runs smoothly and that citizens live prosperous lives. In this video, you’ll learn how the City of #Houston is using #DigitalTransformation powered by #Microsoft to empower its 22,000 employees with #mobile tools that enable them to work just as efficiently in the field as in the office.