Entries by r.rime@icloud.com

Remote learning tips playlist

With remote and hybrid learning the new reality for this school year, educators are seeking ways they can connect students to personalized resources and simplify outreach to students, parents, and the community.

Reduce Costs Infographic

Innovation has supplanted cost savings as the primary driver of cloud migration for many businesses. But moving to the cloud needs to make sense for your bottom line, too. Learn how @Microsoft #Azure offers unique cost savings with this infographic:

Digital selling insights

Develop an action plan and adjust strategies for your team by compiling an accurate “big picture.” Discover five important keys to provide insights and recommendations to your team with this infographic from @Microsoft:

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Cost savings, scalability, anytime-anywhere access, improved security, and reduced IT costs are just some of benefits of that research institutes across the world have gained from to the cloud. Follow Secure-IT Pro to learn more about how moving to the cloud and empowering your organization via Microsoft #Azure can pave the way for increased efficiency and higher-impact projects.