Entries by r.rime@icloud.com

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The cloud has become an invaluable tool for researchers to reduce wasted lab space, encourage collaboration, and even reveal new insights into ongoing investigations. Follow Secure-IT Pro to learn more about how #AI and Microsoft #Azure are helping organizations increase the efficiency and impact of their projects.

Innovate Infographic

Speeding novel solutions to market is a key reason for migrating to the cloud. Learn how moving #Windows Server and SQL Server to @MicrosoftAzure provides flexible, scalable, and highly available cloud infrastructure. Check out this infographic and contact Secure-IT Pro for more information.

ANU: Storing the human genome

Thanks to the cloud, organizations can now take on more research projects than ever before, and scientists can gain instant access to powerful resources that allow them to run faster, more efficient investigations. In this video, you’ll learn how, via the data management capabilities of Microsoft #Azure, Australian National University (ANU) has been able to augment its research into more than 7 billion base pairs of DNA in the human genome.