Entries by r.rime@icloud.com

Customer Story: SitePro Part 2

For companies with multiple automated sites, Microsoft @Azure is the key to transforming operations to slash overhead costs and achieve operational efficiencies. Learn from the experience of SitePro, a software company that uses #Azure to unify automation systems and deliver remote, real-time access to data to improve decision making and business health.

Australian National University (ANU) addresses the computing demands of genome research

Digital tools have allowed experts to process previously unheard-of amounts of data, enabling them to publish their results faster and add more value to their ongoing research. Watch this video to learn how scientists at Australian National University (ANU) are using the cloud and #AI capabilities of Microsoft #Azure to achieve advancements in their cutting-edge genome research.

Empower your organization—public or private—with Microsoft Dynamics 365. Subscribe to learn more.

Digital transformation has become a top priority for private and public organizations thanks to its ability to improve the lives of both consumers and taxpayers. Follow Secure-IT Pro to stay up-to-date on how new technological and business developments are shaping the world around us, and how you can enable new digital strategies with #Microsoft.

Create a more-productive, self-sustaining farm. Get started with Microsoft Azure AI.

As the climate changes, the world’s population continues to grow, and resources become scarcer, farmers must turn to digital transformation to become more efficient and lessen their impact on the environment. Follow Secure-IT Pro to learn how to renewable energy, automation, and Microsoft #Azure can be leveraged to increase yields and power sustainable operations.

What’s The Future Of Your Technology Capabilities?

Experts estimate that only 1 in 4 leads turn into sales, so “this means your sales process needs to be able to identify those leads quickly and accurately,” writes Gilles Muys in Forbes magazine. This is only one of the reasons to invest in cloud capabilities for your business—so you can better serve your prospective customers. Read the rest of his article, “What’s the Future of Your Technology Capabilities?” for more insight as to why it’s clear: cloud technology is here to stay.

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