Entries by r.rime@icloud.com

A step forward in the age of artificial intelligence

AI is becoming crucial in empowering organizations. Its advanced recognition features allow them to process unmatched amounts of data and unlock true business intelligence. In this infographic, you’ll learn about the new enterprise capabilities enabled by Microsoft #AzureAI in the fields of vision, speech, and language recognition.

Spend a day in the life with retail store manager Alex

Alex is a retail store manager whose day is divided among attending meetings, reviewing store performance metrics, coordinating product refreshes, preparing presentations, and interviewing prospective employees. Follow Alex through a typical day and see how #MicrosoftTeams enables him to get through the day quickly, efficiently, and productively. Then contact Secure-IT Pro to learn how we can help streamline and simplify your day with Teams and #Office365.

The Network in 2020: Faster, Closer, Smarter

It’s true. We expect a lot from our devices and the internet. Capabilities, connectivity—we know that practically anything we can think of is out there, cloud-based, ready for us to use and enjoy. This demand is why the network must continue to be quick to adapt. Steve Alexander sums up key requirements in his Forbes article, “The Network in 2020: Faster, Closer, Smarter” where he states that user experiences and interconnectedness will elevate to new levels. Users demand it. Connect with Secure-IT Pro for more thoughtful articles.