Entries by r.rime@icloud.com

Reliable Electric: Power platform customer story

Leverage your existing talent to build custom application solutions quickly and without costly development. Lars Peterson, a citizen developer and general manager at Reliable Electric, replaced expensive proprietary software for his company by learning the simple, powerful development tools in Microsoft Power Apps. Your team can create solutions and improve their careers, too. Read here for Lars’s story and see how he built an app that changed his company for the better.

Building an AI Powered organization

More and more businesses implement #AI technology, but some see greater successes than others. To scale and make the most of AI technology, organizations must adopt a holistic approach and rewire from within. This thought leadership piece details core practices for adapting to AI. Read on:

Why only the agile will survive

If your organization is going to survive global changes resulting from COVID-19, you need to be agile. Read on to see how you can emerge from the other side of this “mother of all disruptions” and even be stronger on the other side.

2 Types of Artificial Intelligence

Bring the future into your business today with AI. With pre-built or custom AI, see how your business can transform engagements with customers and employees, as well as leverage AI to get actionable insight from your data. Check it out here!