Entries by Rime Razgallah

Microsoft Cloud For Retail

Start delivering truly memorable customer experiences. How can data analytics and in-store technology help you nurture more engaged shoppers with stronger lifetime value? Watch the video and get in touch for a one-on-walk through from a Secure-IT Pro @Microsoft Cloud for Retail expert.

#MSCloudforRetail #RetailCloud #retail

Microsoft Global Infrastructure Overview

More businesses are adopting cloud on a broad scale and deploying a hybrid or multicloud approach. How can Secure-IT Pro help you benefit from cloud with @Microsoft @Azure Virtual Desktop? Watch this video to see how Microsoft Azure delivers more visibility over your entire IT environment.

Improved Decision-Making Streamlines Operations for PJS Global

When PJS Global needed to unify real-time transaction tracking across multiple countries and currencies, it turned to @Microsoft Dynamics 365. What did the conglomerate gain? Get the story to see how Dynamics 365 helps the company streamline business processes and accelerate decision making. Share your ideas on how Secure-IT Pro can help your company meet its supply chain goals and challenges with Microsoft Dynamics 365.

The top 9 ways Microsoft IT is enabling remote work for its employees

Companies recently experienced a huge shift from in-office work to remote. Microsoft quickly took action to help make working remote more efficient and flexible. With Windows Virtual Desktop and best practices, companies can continue giving employees who work remotely a productive and secure experience. Check out nine additional ways Microsoft enabled their employees to work wherever, with a productive and secure experience.

The Art of Teamwork Guide

Team building is fundamentally important for your business to thrive. #Microsoft Teams is there for you to help enhance the interpersonal dynamics of your team, by designing activities to bring teams closer together. Are you ready to dive in? Check out this article!

HRI uses Microsoft Teams to streamline research

Heart Research Institute (HRI) is conducting innovative, world-class research to prevent, detect, and treat cardiovascular disease, and using #Microsoft Teams has fundamentally changed the way HRI works. See how they streamlined their research and outcomes in this video and contact Secure-IT Pro to learn more!