Entries by Rime Razgallah

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The workplace is becoming increasingly digital, and you can discover how businesses are leveraging workplace collaboration in this new era. Follow Secure-IT Pro to learn how digital collaboration tools powered by #Microsoft365 are helping organizations increase the scale, profitability, and impact of their projects.

Privacy, security, and compliance are prioritized in Microsoft Teams

Remote work has been on the rise globally for the past couple of years. As more people using digital applications to communicate and collaborate, the need for privacy, security, and compliance has never been so important. @MicrosoftTeams is committed to protecting your data, identity, and account information. It defends against cybersecurity threats and meets more than 90 compliance and regulatory standards. Microsoft is also committed to continued learning and ultimately offering the highest security possible.

How to build autonomous systems with AI

Implementing AI can mean different things for different industries. This short video explains how Toyota Material Handling partnered with @Microsoft to create autonomous forklifts to help around warehouses.

Together with Microsoft, Secure-IT Pro has your back.

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Hear what business leaders have to say about how Windows Virtual Desktop enables faster capabilities with remote work. Learn how you can apply these practices to your business. Subscribe now.

Building the AI-Powered Organization

More and more businesses implement #AI technology, but some see greater successes than others. To scale and make the most of AI technology, organizations must adopt a holistic approach and rewire from within. This thought leadership piece details core practices for adapting to AI. Read on:

2 Types of Artificial Intelligence

Bring the future into your business today with AI. With pre-built or custom AI, see how your business can transform engagements with customers and employees, as well as leverage AI to get actionable insight from your data. Check it out here!