Entries by Rime Razgallah

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The digitization of the healthcare industry is empowering patients with new ways to request and receive the services they need, as well as giving providers the efficiency they need to deliver improved experiences. Follow Secure-IT Pro to learn more about how digital transformation and #MSFTinHealth are helping to revolutionize the healthcare industry.

Digital collaboration is key to success in the modern workplace

Over 500,000 organizations use Microsoft Teams, the fastest growing business application in Microsoft history. Why? It’s a collaboration and communication hub like no other—with applications built right in. Meeting the needs of today’s modern workforce is easier when Teams is the backbone of the organization. Subscribe to Secure-IT Pro to learn more.

Analytics & AI solution video

By harnessing the power of @Microsoft Analytics, you can inform and drive intelligent automation through AI and machine learning. Watch this video to gain insights on automation through AI and machine learning, how to expand the reach of your data insights, and gain increasing levels of efficiency and personalization. Check it out!

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Working remotely is part of most businesses’ new environments. The trend is becoming the norm. Keep up to date on ways you can effortlessly boost your productivity and security with Windows Virtual Desktop. Subscribe and contact Secure-IT Pro to learn more.

DHHS: Department of digital transformation

Digital investment is critical for healthcare providers to power better patient experiences by increasing efficiency and modernizing outdated processes. See how the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in Victoria, Australia, is using Microsoft #HealthIT to eliminate more than 80,000 paper faxes a year and support the department’s strategic vision of improving the lives of all.

NSW: Large-scale education

The New South Wales school system faces challenges supporting their investment in education technology. Watch this video to learn how a new collaboration hub, provided by #MicrosoftTeams, has changed the landscape of teaching and learning.