Entries by Rime Razgallah

Hybrid Environments

Keep your hybrid work environment protected, and your sensitive data safe with @Microsoft security. Subscribe now and contact [$profile.organization]* to learn more.

The top 9 ways Microsoft IT is enabling remote work for its employees

Companies recently experienced a huge shift from in-office work to remote. Microsoft quickly took action to help make working remote more efficient and flexible. With Windows Virtual Desktop and best practices, companies can continue giving employees who work remotely a productive and secure experience. Check out nine additional ways Microsoft enabled their employees to work wherever, with a productive and secure experience.

Department of Health and Human Services: Health services delivering powerful digital experiences

Digital health solutions give health providers and professionals more tools to improve patient lifestyles and help them maintain optimum health longer through a more holistic approach to disease treatment and prevention. Learn how the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in Victoria, Australia, is using Microsoft #Azure and #MSDyn365 to enable unified digital experiences among medical centers and provide better care.

NSW: Investing in education technology

Let’s face it. Today’s students are already immersed in technology outside of school; offering them access to the business world’s best applications exposes students to future workforce possibilities. An organization in New South Wales, Australia deployed #Teams as its hub for educational collaboration and communication for students and staff. Watch this video to see how it’s working.