Entries by Rime Razgallah

Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud Revenue to Grow 17% in 2020

“At this point, cloud adoption is mainstream,” said Sid Nag, research vice president at Gartner, Inc. The world’s leading research and advisory company, Gartner forecasts a 17% growth in worldwide public cloud services in 2020. IaaS is forecast to grow 24%! Check out this press release and contact Secure-IT Pro for answers to your #Azure migration questions.

Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud Revenue to Grow 17% in 2020

“At this point, cloud adoption is mainstream,” said Sid Nag, research vice president at Gartner, Inc. The world’s leading research and advisory company, Gartner forecasts a 17% growth in worldwide public cloud services in 2020. IaaS is forecast to grow 24%! Check out this press release and contact Secure-IT Pro for answers to your #Azure migration questions.

J. Walter Thompson creates a global collaboration hub with Microsoft technologies

How do you enable effective interaction across a digital workspace while increasing productivity and efficiency? For J. Walter Thompson, one of the world’s largest communication agencies, the answer was to fully integrate #Microsoft #Office365 with #Teams across all of its global offices. Watch this video to learn more, then contact Secure-IT Pro to see what Teams can do for your business.

Keeping the Farmer and Farm Working

In some parts of the world, sustainable farming conditions are possible only through modern technology. See how #IoT, solar energy, and Microsoft #Azure #AI are being used in parts of Kenya to provide farmers with stable income and the food they need to feed their families.