Entries by Rime Razgallah

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Subscribe now to stay up to speed on how the tools and capabilities of #Microsoft #Dynamics365 can help sales professionals gain sales momentum, boost productivity, and close more deals. Sub this channel today to modernize and energize your sales efforts.

Is Your Business Ready for the Worst?

IT disaster recovery activities can take a huge toll on productivity and savings. This eBook shows the business impact and provides helpful tips for assessing risk and prioritizing action. Download it free, and get in touch to learn how Secure-IT Pro can help you develop a better disaster recovery strategy.

Andrew reads for the first time with Microsoft Learning tools

Every child deserves the opportunity to learn.

But with learning impairments like dyslexia, skills like reading and writing can turn into a nightmare. Luckily, #MicrosoftLearningtools are here to help. Check out this video to see how kids like Andrew are proving that with the right support, nothing is impossible.

At Secure-IT Pro, we can help your students tackle challenges in the classroom and beyond. Contact us to learn more.

A new generation of communication tools for a new generation of Alcoa workers

At the Alcoa plant in Fjardaal, Iceland, a magnetic board was used to assign shifts, while company-wide announcements were made via standard email–both of which required people to be physically present. The adoption of #Microsoft #Teams transformed these otherwise manual tasks into a workflow better suited to a new generation of digitally savvy Alcoa employees who all carry smartphones. Watch the video to see the transformation, then contact Secure-IT Pro to see how we can help transform your organization.

Modernize and empower sales teams with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales Professionals

Today’s sellers work with an average of 6.8 stakeholders and 16 colleagues per deal, making sales cycles longer and more complex. On top of that, they belong to twice as many teams as they did only a few years ago, and are more mobile than ever before. To stay ahead of the curve, modern sellers need to evolve beyond legacy methods of tracking customer interactions and the status of deals in progress. #Microsoft #Dynamics365 can help with that by streamlining processes via interactive dashboards, integration with familiar tools like Office 365, sales capabilities embedded in mobile apps, and intelligent guidance toward optimal outcomes. Watch the video to find out more, then contact Secure-IT Pro to see how we can help your sales teams build greater sales momentum and close more deals.