Entries by Rime Razgallah

Del Monte Foods improves system uptime by 99.99%, saves 57% on infrastructure, and reduces security risk by 50%

High maintenance costs, limited scalability, performance bottlenecks – these are just a few signs of a digital transformation gone awry. What issues have you been noticing in your infrastructure? If you think you need a reset, read this customer story about the success Del Monte Foods had when they switched to @Microsoft Azure. Since adopting Microsoft solutions, Del Monte has reduced infrastructure costs, increased system uptime by 99.99%, and reduced security risks by 50%.

@Microsoft Azure

Analytics Lessons Learned: How five companies increased data value with unified analytics solutions

Many organizations face problems developing timely and accurate insights since they’re storing duplicate copies of the same data and spending excessive time and effort trying to govern, move and transform it for use. How have you handled this issue? Take a look at this @Microsoft eBook examining how five organizations dealt with data problems and corrected them using unified cloud analytics.

Belfius uses Microsoft Azure Machine Learning to help detect fraud and money laundering

Belfius, a prominent Belgian bank, was well along in its digital transformation journey with AI and ML when it noticed a problem. It turned out Belfius data scientists were rewriting the same code repeatedly for different data models. Was there a better way? Read this customer story about how they solved this issue using @Microsoft Azure and improved development time, increased efficiency and became better able to spot attempts at money laundering and fraud.

Top 3 tips for using Microsoft Copilot in Teams

Does the phrase “so many meetings, so little time” apply to your working life? If so, watch this brief tutorial to learn how @Microsoft Copilot can help catch you up on a meeting, prepare for a meeting, keep a meeting moving, summarize a meeting and draft a recap.

DM to learn more ways Copilot in Teams can increase meeting effectiveness and soothe your jangled nerves. @Microsoft Copilot