Entries by Rime Razgallah

SunCulture: Helping to weather the dry seasons

In some places of the world where water is not easily accessible, #DigitalTransformation is being leveraged to ensure farmers can increase their yields and increase their prosperity. Watch how Kenyan farmers like Monica, thanks to #SolarEnergy and #MicrosoftAzure, can leverage accurate data to predict rainfall and secure their families’ futures.

SQL Server and Azure SQL Database GDPR Guidance Paper

Members of the European Union and European Economic Area pay close attention to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which regulates data protection and privacy. Microsoft created this informational guidance paper to support understanding of the regulations—and to offer helpful links if you need more specific information. Check it out!

The 5 Habits Of Successful Sales Leaders

To foster a top sales team, you need great leadership and a few really good habits — 5 of them to be exact says Kevin Kruse, CEO of LEADx. Learn when/how to give feedback, the importance of weekly one-on-ones, your role as a coach, and how to leverage strengths. So, take 5 and polish up your leadership technique! Learn more about Microsoft Dynamics 365 from Secure-IT Pro.

When it comes to artificial intelligence, throw away that tired old tech rulebook

It’s expected that the number of professionals working in AI-focused roles will nearly double in the next three years. This shift will not only require changes to businesses’ digital environments, but to their organizational structures as well. Read this article to learn four ways in which businesses need to evolve to fully prepare for the advent of #ArtificialIntelligence.

Why the cloud? Why Microsoft Azure?

If you’re a SMB and haven’t migrated to the cloud yet, you’ve probably got questions, including why Microsoft Azure might best fit your needs. Unmatched security might be one reason. With built in protection for hybrid environments, the Azure Security Center lets you focus on driving your business priorities without the worry of whether your data is protected. We can answer your questions and help you get started—contact Secure-IT Pro today.

Day in the life – IT project manager

A day in the life – IT project manager with Microsoft Teams. Jamal uses the built-in apps and tabs to monitor projects and mitigate risks. Modernize your business processes and supercharge your team with technology that unlocks creativity.

Talk with Secure-IT Pro to learn more.

3 reasons to invest in Microsoft Azure AI

In three years, businesses will report $40B in additional revenue driven by AI. This means that without a doubt, #ArtificialIntelligence will become a key factor in the ability of organizations to innovate and improve efficiency. In this infographic, you’ll learn how investing in #Microsoft #AzureAI can open up new revenue-generating opportunities for your business in the digital age.

Digital Transformation in the Oil & Gas Industry: Collect and Monitor Sensor Data

If you’re investing in technology to provide immediate feedback, why not also invest in a platform that allows you to use the data for efficient decision-making? At oil and gas facilities, cameras and sensors output data at lightning speeds—and it must be managed in order to keep operations smoothly. Watch how a company could use Microsoft Azure to help meet its goal.