Entries by Rime Razgallah

HRI uses Microsoft Teams to streamline research

Heart Research Institute (HRI) is conducting innovative, world-class research to prevent, detect, and treat cardiovascular disease, and using #Microsoft Teams has fundamentally changed the way HRI works. See how they streamlined their research and outcomes in this video and contact Secure-IT Pro to learn more!

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Building a resilient supply chain can maximize your asset uptime and efficiency. #Microsoft has the tools to help. Subscribe now to learn more.

Get the most out of Microsoft Azure with Visual Studio

Are you getting the most out of your Microsoft Visual Studio subscription? Be sure to claim monthly Microsoft #Azure credits, Azure training, DevTest pricing, Azure DevOps, support, and more. Explore all of the benefits included with your subscription and get some ideas on the types of projects where you can use your credits.

Windows Virtual Desktop

Get all the tools and resources you need to migrate your apps, data, and infrastructure at your own pace with confidence. In the video below, learn how Windows Virtual Desktop expands capabilities with the best virtualized end-user experience.

Accelerate developer velocity using any platform, any language, and any cloud

Teams that adopt DevOps culture, practices, and tools become high-performing—building better products faster for greater customer satisfaction. This improved collaboration and productivity is essential to achieve business goals such as accelerating time to market, adapting to the market and competition, maintaining system stability and reliability, and improving the mean time to recovery.

Subscribe to stay connected. We’ll help you learn more about Azure DevOps with GitHub and Visual Studio from Microsoft

MPAA relies on Azure and Visual Studio to innovate and increase efficiencies

Much of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences resources lived in isolated on-premises databases. When it hit its limit and needed a quick, safe, and cost-effective growth path, it turned to Microsoft Azure, Azure DevOps, and Visual Studio. Azure provided the capacity to grow usage while accommodating spikes in traffic during the awards season. DevOps united development and infrastructure teams. And Visual Studio made it possible to agilely develop new streaming apps to deliver rich, responsive online experiences to its members across different devices and platforms.

Automate and streamline your supply chain

To improve product traceability, technology must deliver intelligent insights on every transaction. Take a deeper look into how to effectively automate and streamline your supply chain with this video about #Dynamics365 and other specific technologies: