Mesh for Microsoft Teams aims to make collaboration in the ‘metaverse’ personal and fun

As it turns out, remote/hybrid workers are far more efficient than most thought they would be. Read this blog to gain insight on how Mesh for Microsoft Teams is prepared to take remote/hybrid work collaborations to new heights as the metaverse era fast approaches.

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Keep application and user data secure

This infographic highlights the ease with which Azure Virtual Desktop keeps application and user data secure and removes the complexities of access management. View the infographic for an at-a-glance of how you can simplify access control across users and devices.

Strike a Strategic Inventory Balance

Demand driven material requirements planning (DDMRP) is the next evolution in materials requirements planning. DDMRP is also the latest feature in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. Learn more about DDMRP and Microsoft Dynamics 365 in this Microsoft blog article.

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Test your team’s security readiness with the Gone Phishing Tournament

Eighty-two percent of breaches include employee mistakes, such as falling victim to a phishing scam.

Phishing is the cheapest and most reliable way for an attacker to get a foot in the door of an organization. Explore Microsoft’s and Terranova Security’s Gone Phishing Tournament to test your company’s behaviors using real-world simulations.

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IT Management Process & Infrastructure Review

Management inefficiencies contribute in a big way to unforeseen costs. Secure-IT Pro can help you minimize costs and maximize efficiency. Receive a free IT Management Process & Infrastructure Review when you schedule direct.

View: IT Management Process & Infrastructure Review

Announcing General Availability of Scheduled Agent Updates on Azure Virtual Desktop

Read the Microsoft blog to learn about a feature that gives IT admins control over when the Azure Virtual Desktop agent, side-by-side stack and Geneva Monitoring agent get updated.

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Delivering Personalized Experiences in Times of Change

Providing an exceptional, relevant customer experience is no longer an option, it’s a necessity. Businesses need critical insight to attract new customers, keep existing ones happy, and optimize business operations.

This eBook explains how to collect and learn from your customer data, and what Microsoft Dynamics 365 can do to make it possible. Read the eBook here.

View: Delivering Personalized Experiences in Times of Change

What is the metaverse?

There’s lots of interesting definitions of the metaverse floating around. With global companies like Microsoft and Facebook busy creating technology to develop the metaverse, it’s time you discover exactly what it is. Watch this video for starters.

Simplify IT Management

This infographic illustrates how with Azure Virtual Desktop, IT teams can focus more on users, apps and OS images instead of hardware inventory and maintenance.