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Build your own copilot with Azure AI Studio

Gain an AI advantage and get to market fast and securely by leveraging @Microsoft Azure #AIStudio to build customized copilots tailored to the needs of your customers. WATCH:

AI Data Drop: The 11 by 11 Tipping Point

If you're unfamiliar with the 11-by-11 tipping point, we recommend you read this blog.👇🏼 It describes how 11 became the magic number for unlocking #Copilot value, and we're sharing it with you! Read on for a quick look at the research behind the formula, and how it unlocks 🔓 the value of AI. DM us when you are ready to take your organization to new heights with AI-based #Copilot for @Microsoft 365. @Microsoft Copilot

Our commitments to advance safe, secure, and trustworthy AI

Microsoft's commitment to advancing safe, secure and trustworthy AI only adds to the value of our @Microsoft offerings. Read this article to learn how Microsoft's efforts align with the federal government's AI commitments.

Three Smart Ways to Exceed Your Customers' Digital Expectations

For the customer-obsessed, here's an eBook showing three ways your leaders and teams, powered by Azure AI tools and services, can help your customers ✅ Make the right financial decisions ✅ Provide them with accurate and relevant information ✅ Guide them through the decision-making process ✅ Address their concerns or questions. DM us today. Start turning your customer service into a revenue-generating obsession with Azure from Microsoft.

Copilot for Microsoft 365: Work On

Copilot is rocking the workaday world. Take a quick look at the many ways Copilot for Microsoft 365 empowers you to work on - faster, smarter, and better. Ready to get down with #Copilot? DM us. @Microsoft Copilot

Build and deploy an enterprise chat application with Azure AI Studio

Enterprise chat is a critical capability for optimizing #UX. Yet building the best solution can be costly & inefficient. Watch👇 to see how @Microsoft-Azure #AIStudio empowers developers to build #GenerativeAI that delivers superior #UX.
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