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Worldwide logistics provider connects the dots, boosts ROI with Dynamics 365 Marketing

The real engine behind global logistics? It's all about a smooth collaboration between sales and marketing. Learn how #BroekmanLogistics used #Microsoft #Dynamics365 to unify their teams, increase sales, and gain valuable insights:

Why use .NET on Azure?

Empower your organization to drive innovation and growth with #Azure tools. Explore 3 benefits of modernizing your .NET apps on @MicrosoftAzure with this infographic.

Why use .NET on Azure?

Empower your organization to drive innovation and growth with #Azure tools. Explore 3 benefits of modernizing your .NET apps on @MicrosoftAzure with this infographic.

Find lightning fast innovation, elastic scalability, cost savings, and better performance​

@Windows .NET has a wealth of resources addressing key security concepts and shared responsibility within the cloud. To find more resources to help you write more secure codes and learn how workload responsibilities are divided, subscribe now.

Find lightning fast innovation, elastic scalability, cost savings, and better performance​

@Windows .NET has a wealth of resources addressing key security concepts and shared responsibility within the cloud. To find more resources to help you write more secure codes and learn how workload responsibilities are divided, subscribe now.

Make data-driven decisions with payment predictions

Learn how to manage risk and fraud with #Microsoft. Subscribe today!
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