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How the Atlantic is preserving published history with Azure AI

Learn how @MicrosoftAzure AI is helping #TheAtlantic transition and preserve 160 years of published history on a new digital system. Thanks to Azure Cognitive Search, writers can use these services as a resource to build connections between stories and enrich their content. Watch this video to learn more:

What is Teams?

Learn why you'll have the best work collaboration with @Microsoft Teams Meetings and Calling. This video shows you all the features you need to bring your team together:

What is Teams?

Learn why you'll have the best work collaboration with @Microsoft Teams Meetings and Calling. This video shows you all the features you need to bring your team together:

GE powers its culture of curiosity with the Microsoft cloud

With @Microsoft #Office365 and Windows 10, #GeneralElectric is digitally enabling its 300,000-person workforce to make sense of machine data, realize productivity gains, and collaborate securely, at a velocity never before experienced. Learn more with this video:

GE powers its culture of curiosity with the Microsoft cloud

With @Microsoft #Office365 and Windows 10, #GeneralElectric is digitally enabling its 300,000-person workforce to make sense of machine data, realize productivity gains, and collaborate securely, at a velocity never before experienced. Learn more with this video:

It only takes a click... the small business risk checklist

You protect your people, assets, sales, profits, data, and brand. But are you doing all you can to protect yourself from the compliance and regulatory risks that your organization faces? @Microsoft can help. Check out this article and contact [$profile.organization]* to get started. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection is a world-class platform that addresses these concerns and proactively identifies threats. Read more here:
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