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Overcoming misconceptions about open source

Ever heard someone argue that open source isn't secure? Or that open source is difficult to maintain? Myths and misconceptions can hold your team back. Debunk the four most common misconceptions about open source and make the most of your #DevOps transformation with answers from @Microsoft. Questions? Contact * [$profile.organization]* and let's get started.

Overcoming misconceptions about open source

Ever heard someone argue that open source isn't secure? Or that open source is difficult to maintain? Myths and misconceptions can hold your team back. Debunk the four most common misconceptions about open source and make the most of your #DevOps transformation with answers from @Microsoft. Questions? Contact * [$profile.organization]* and let's get started.

Security Power

With 85% of cyberattacks detected after three months of learning feedback, your business can combine a data-driven, human-guided security approach with the @Microsoft global network. Check out this infographic to see how it evolves with real-time threat intelligence to protect your systems and stay ahead of risks. Contact Secure-IT Pro to learn more!

Security Power

With 85% of cyberattacks detected after three months of learning feedback, your business can combine a data-driven, human-guided security approach with the @Microsoft global network. Check out this infographic to see how it evolves with real-time threat intelligence to protect your systems and stay ahead of risks. Contact Secure-IT Pro to learn more!

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