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Copilot in Teams: Discern Opinions Quickly

Say goodbye to spending too much of your valuable time trying to compose a concise and accurate meeting summary -- and hello to the power of @Microsoft Copilot in Teams to summarize the thoughts, opinions, and concerns of meeting participants in seconds. Check out the video to see how it works. DM us for more details.

Annnouncing new Windows 11 innovation, with features for secure, efficient IT management and intuitive user experience

The latest enhancements to @Microsoft Windows 11 bring a slew of new privacy, security and accessibility features to your fingertips. Read this blog for an overview.

Fuel Application Innovation with AI Cloud Services

Are you uncertain about where and how to start implementing AI in your business? Get an insightful perspective - and lots of useful data - on the five key AI use cases in this @Microsoft report by Forrester. Download it here. 👉

Jaguar Land Rover creates better company continuity with Power Platform app-building

How does Jaguar Land Rover use @Microsoft Power Platform and Teams to enhance innovation by improving collaboration and efficiency? Get lessons learned in this customer story.

Copilot in Teams: Ask Better Questions

Do you sometimes struggle in brainstorming sessions to come up with insightful questions? Never fear, Copilot is here. Watch the video to see how AI-powered Copilot generates relevant questions on any topic.

Del Monte Foods improves system uptime by 99.99%, saves 57% on infrastructure, and reduces security risk by 50%

High maintenance costs, limited scalability, performance bottlenecks - these are just a few signs of a digital transformation gone awry. What issues have you been noticing in your infrastructure? If you think you need a reset, read this customer story about the success Del Monte Foods had when they switched to @Microsoft Azure. Since adopting Microsoft solutions, Del Monte has reduced infrastructure costs, increased system uptime by 99.99%, and reduced security risks by 50%. @Microsoft Azure
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