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Will AI Fix Work?

Do you feel like the harder you work the more behind you get? Check out this MSWTI Exec Summary for three urgent insights business leaders like you must know to quickly and responsibly adopt #AI.

Build solutions faster with Microsoft Power Platform and next-generation AI

How will @microsoft-power-platform next-gen AI features for #PowerVirtualAgents and #AIBuilder drive a more intuitive experience for citizen developers and accelerate efficiency for professional developers? Find out 👇

Alabama Appellate Courts System transforms and modernizes judicial operations with Azure.

When the Alabama Appellate Court System needed to overhaul and upgrade its outdated but still functional IT infrastructure, they called on @Microsoft to digitize justice systems and accelerate secure and transparent proceedings. By migrating many of its on-premises operations to a more secure cloud environment on Microsoft Azure, justices, employees, and 6,000 outside attorneys benefit from remote access, more efficient operations, and improved security. DM to discuss upgrading your firm's IT infrastructure with MS Security and Azure Cloud.

New Technology: The Projected Total Economic Impact™ of Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform

Your organization's ability to integrate and adopt advanced technologies like AI hinges on the strength and agility of your infrastructure. @Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform delivers a projected ROI of 95% - 232%. How else do you benefit? Download your complimentary copy of @Forrester's TEI report for findings on projected cost savings and other quantified business benefits.

With Copilot, Every Meeting is a 'Digital Artifact'

According to @Microsoft 2023 Work Trend Index, employees see inefficient meetings as their top productivity disruptor. What have you distilled from a day full of department meetings? If you'd like to see how meetings can be transformed, look at this blog showing how Microsoft Copilot gives you the ability to unlock a new level of efficiency and awareness from the old-fashioned, time-consuming meeting.

The Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform — Unleash your data and accelerate your transformation

Data solutions created today must be designed to ensure they can easily manage spikes in data, new workloads and new technologies for many years to come. How confident are you that your solution can manage future advances? Read this blog about the advantages of the @Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform, the innovative solution that lets you take advantage of integrated advanced analytics and the latest AI tools.
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