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Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud Revenue to Grow 17% in 2020

"At this point, cloud adoption is mainstream," said Sid Nag, research vice president at Gartner, Inc. The world's leading research and advisory company, Gartner forecasts a 17% growth in worldwide public cloud services in 2020. IaaS is forecast to grow 24%! Check out this press release and contact Secure-IT Pro for answers to your #Azure migration questions.

Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud Revenue to Grow 17% in 2020

"At this point, cloud adoption is mainstream," said Sid Nag, research vice president at Gartner, Inc. The world's leading research and advisory company, Gartner forecasts a 17% growth in worldwide public cloud services in 2020. IaaS is forecast to grow 24%! Check out this press release and contact Secure-IT Pro for answers to your #Azure migration questions.

Helsanas goes digital and improves customer experiences with Microsoft technologies

Siloed data sources can slow innovation to a crawl and lead to unfulfilling customer experiences. Watch how Helsana—a top Swiss insurance provider—reaped the full benefits of digital integration by using #Microsoft #Dynamics365 and #Azure. Then contact Secure-IT Pro to learn more about Microsoft solutions.

Helsanas goes digital and improves customer experiences with Microsoft technologies

Siloed data sources can slow innovation to a crawl and lead to unfulfilling customer experiences. Watch how Helsana—a top Swiss insurance provider—reaped the full benefits of digital integration by using #Microsoft #Dynamics365 and #Azure. Then contact Secure-IT Pro to learn more about Microsoft solutions.

J. Walter Thompson creates a global collaboration hub with Microsoft technologies

How do you enable effective interaction across a digital workspace while increasing productivity and efficiency? For J. Walter Thompson, one of the world's largest communication agencies, the answer was to fully integrate #Microsoft #Office365 with #Teams across all of its global offices. Watch this video to learn more, then contact Secure-IT Pro to see what Teams can do for your business.

J. Walter Thompson creates a global collaboration hub with Microsoft technologies

How do you enable effective interaction across a digital workspace while increasing productivity and efficiency? For J. Walter Thompson, one of the world's largest communication agencies, the answer was to fully integrate #Microsoft #Office365 with #Teams across all of its global offices. Watch this video to learn more, then contact Secure-IT Pro to see what Teams can do for your business.
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